Friday, March 31, 2006

Black Congresswoman Plays the Race Card

American newspapers are so shy of mentioning the race of a black criminal that they normally indicate it only by way of a photo of the accused. And if his first name is Leroy or some such they don't even bother with the photo. But an allegation against a white by a black suffers from no such restraint. The race of the offending party is immediately highlighted.

We see that in an incident reported here where black Congresswoman McKinney had an altercation with a policeman. In an internet comment by her she immediately said that the incident was part of a pattern of harassment of her by white police officers. For all I know the policeman concerned MAY have been overly officious but he was in the end only doing his job and there is no reason why his race or the race of other police should have been mentioned. The dispute should have been resolved on the facts (as ascertained by eyewitness reports etc), not on anyone's skin color.

It appears however that she did a big backdown when she heard that there was a videotape of the incident. So I think I can guess just which one of the two people involved was behaving arrogantly.