Monday, May 22, 2006

ACLU Attacking Prayer Again

We read:

"The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit Tuesday in federal court to stop officials at a south-central Kentucky high school from saying prayer during a graduation ceremony.


The principal is not budging so the matter is now headed to court. The learned judges of the Supreme Court have in the past found in the First Amendment a ban on school prayer. The text of the Amendment that they use to justify the ban is at the head of this page. See if you can see a ban on school prayer in it. Rather the opposite, I would have thought -- "free exercise thereof", for instance.

Democracy not Taught at the "New School"

I noted previously how students at the far-Left "New School" in NYC were protesting when they heard that Senator McCain was to give a commencement speech there. McCain was not deterred and did speak:

"Conservative darling Sen. John McCain was harangued by hecklers, booed and even subjected to paper airplanes as he gave the commencement speech for the New School yesterday".


The previous reason given by the students for opposing his appearance was that he was not pro-homosexual enough. But that suddenly transformed into the Iraq war issue when he actually turned up.

McCain is of course a RINO. I wonder what they would have done if a real conservative had turned up? Either way, open minds are clearly in short supply at the New School. I suppose open minds would be too much to expect but what about respect for the importance of debate or respect for the democratic processes that put McCain where he is?

Fidel Castro would have got a rapturous welcome, of course. And lots more people voted for McCain than ever voted to put Castro in power.

Century College Update

As we saw here on March 10th., when geography Professor Karen Murdock of Century College in Minnesota posted the Mohammed cartoons on a school noticeboard -- so that students could see what the fuss was all about -- some of the "tolerant" section of the college community tore the cartoons down.

The college administration sided with the "tolerant" souls, of course. Century College has now taken further steps to crack down on faculty members who might post controversial things on faculty bulletin boards. A "policy" has now been circulated which says that everything posted on such boards must now be first approved by a piece of furniture called the Departmental "Chair". Anything not bearing a stamp of approval will be removed.

No censorship there, of course. Can we guess how likely anything critical of Islam would be to get approval? None of that dreaded open debate or diversity of thinking allowed in Minnesota colleges! Or, more precisely, you can have diverse thoughts but you must not let anybody know about them!

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