Saturday, July 15, 2006

No Free Speech Via Cellphones?

Not in good old law-strangled NYC. Nobody would dispute the right of any school to insist that kids turn off their cellphones during classes. But the boneheaded education bureaucrats of NYC insist that kids cannot have cellphones on school property at all.

Many parents are now rebelling at such stupid rigidity and pointing to cellphones as a safety aid for their children while the children are travelling to and from school. Details here

Islam NOT a "Dangerous Religion"?

How much evidence would we need before we decided that it WAS a dangerous religion? It is of course obvious that not all Muslims are dangerous people but that the religion has a dangerous effect on the minds of many would hardly seem rationally disputable, given the unending stream of horrors perpetrated by Muslims both before and after 9/11.

Yet a black pastor in Florida was forced out of a government job for saying that Islam was a dangerous religion. Details here

More on the Rules for "Nazi" Accusations

I don't suppose this will surprise anyone much but Newsbusters points out that the frantically Leftist Keith Olbermann of MSNBC said of Nazi references: "There's no place for the reference in this culture".

Newsbusters then goes on to list a number of Nazi references from Olbermann himself, all directed at conservatives, of course. Leftist hypocrisy has no limits and no shame.

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