Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Must not Criticize Black Students

We read:

"Carson High School pulled this month's school newspaper because of an anonymous article that likened rowdy black students at a nearby Taco Bell to "a pack of monkeys."

The article, titled "Looks like the circus is in town," was on the editorial page of the issue distributed Tuesday, school officials said.

The piece describes raucous and impolite behavior: "The one thing that I hate more than anything is standing in that line with dumb-ass people paying and acting a fool around me."

The writer says most of the crowd is black and variously describes the students as stupid, rude, immature and insensitive, summing up: "When I go to Taco Bell, I want to go to a restaurant, NOT A ZOO! Stop acting like animals . behave and clean up after yourself."


Because at least some of the students criticized were black, that made the criticism "racist", of course.

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