Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Leftist Insensitivity must not be Criticized

Leftists are lightning-fast to perceive and condemn insensitivity in others. But what happens when it is the Leftist that is being insensitive?

In Australia, a Leftist university student under the guidance of Leftist professors made a "comedy" film that ridiculed disabled people. Insensitive? It would be hard to imagine anything more insensitive. So what happened?

Nothing. So two conservative professors at the university concerned wrote an article expressing their disgust. They began their article: "A time comes when you have to say: ``Enough!'', when you can no longer put up with the misanthropic and amoral trash produced under the rubric of postmodernist, post-structuralist thought.

In other words, they correctly identified Leftist amorality as the reason the disgusting film project had been approved. So what happened then? Did the university finally admit fault and apologize? Not at all. The two conservative professors have now lost their jobs for six months -- for daring to criticize Leftist trash. Details here and here

The head of the university concerned and the man behind the firings is Prof. Peter Coaldrake. You can ring him to tell him what you think of him. His cellphone is 61 418 642 375. His Office no. is 617 3864 8086 and his home no. is 617 3252 4388. The 61 in the preceding nos. is the country-code for Australia. To make an international call you may have to dial some other number first. Coaldrake's email is p.coaldrake@qut.edu.au

I am not going to post anything else here today as I want to encourage readers to use their time to make themselves heard about this. The victimized professors are very upset by the way they have been treated so need all the help they can get.