Saturday, July 21, 2007

Black Group Slams the "Hush Rush" Push from Congressional Democrats


"The Bush Administration is commended for announcing that it would veto any legislation reinstating the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."

The Administration's announcement came following media reports of support for reimposing the Fairness Doctrine by Senators Dianne Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, and others. Rep. Maurice Hinchley (D-NY) intends to re-introduce legislation "to restore the Fairness Doctrine" in coming weeks. Hinchley's "Media Ownership Reform Act (H.R. 3302)," better known as MORA, had 16 co-sponsors in the 109th Congress, but got nowhere due to GOP control.

"It's the 'Hush Rush' crowd at it again, and it has nothing to do with fairness. They are simply trying to shut down popular radio programs because they disagree with them," said Project 21 Fellow Deneen Borelli. "The Fairness Doctrine is unfair to those who believe in limited government and a free market. If liberal talk shows fail to attract listeners and sponsors, as is the case here, then the problem must lie with their message."
