Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another Leftist Simpleton

There are many things that drive Leftists to hate the world they live in but there is one Leftist enemy of free speech (he condemns a wide variety of conservative utterances as "hate speech") who seems to have a strange respect for society's instititutions. I refer to the "Rev." Jim Sutter. The "Rev." title is at least a mail-order title but the many other titles and distinctions he claims for himself appear to be totally bogus. Below is one of his recent effusions:

"Perhaps someone could help Horowitz understand some basics of politics. First, leftists cannot, by definition, be fascists, they are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Secondly, Communist and Nazi ideology are mutually exclusive. It's ironic, in almost every article by these hate mongers about their being greeted with skepticism at best, or being booed off the stage, or being completely banned from most campuses, the hate mongers claim that those who oppose them are "racists", who are stifling "freedom of speech" (even though freedom of speech has no application in this particular situation, see Hate Speech vs. Free Speech entry, this blog), and offer nothing but insults to those who do not welcome Horowitz's brand of racism with open arms.


With that level of ignorance he could of course be an Ivy-League graduate but the ignorance is profound nonetheless. He is clearly a mental midget who NEEDS to claim various distinctions because he is deep-down aware of how little he really knows.

He of course offers no evidence for anything he says but full documentation of how very socialist Hitler was can be found here