Friday, October 05, 2007

Crazy General Appoints Himself Chief Censor

In response to Rush Limbaugh's criticism of the phonies that Democrats have often used to criticize the war in Iraq, the Congressional Democrats and their allies insist on misrepresenting Rush as saying that ALL military critics of the war are phonies. One of the critics concerned is retired General Wesley Clark -- well-known for giving an order to oppose Russian troops in Kosovo that his British subordinate (General Jackson) fortunately refused to follow. As we see here, the mad general accuses Rush of "censoring" critics of the war by his comments. Leftists always see any challenge to them as "censorship".

So does the mad general object to any such censorship? Not at all. He wants to censor Rush and all like him. He wants to get Rush off the air. He says Rush stepped over the line. Aren't we lucky to have a mad general telling us what is allowable speech and what is not? More background and comments here and here and here

The mad general is also a seething antisemite. He blames the "New York money people" (rich Jews) for pushing America into war. But the Left still love him all the same. They were antisemitic in Hitler's day and they have gone back to that -- "like a dog returning to it vomit", as the Bible says. (Proverbs 26:11).

Fortunately, the owner of the company that airs Limbaugh's show is not buying any of the nonsense.