Saturday, May 24, 2008

Best not to mention blacks at all

We read:
"County Court at Law Judge Brent Keis has received a public warning from the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for making racially insensitive comments to a black lawyer.

At a hearing in April 2007, Keis said that descendants of slaves who survived the perilous trip from Africa are "bigger and stronger athletes because weak slaves were thrown overboard and never made it to the Americas." ....

"Although Judge Keis insists that he did not intend his comments to be racially insensitive or offensive, it is clear that his remarks were inappropriate in the setting in which they occurred and that they could easily be misinterpreted by anyone unfamiliar with the judge," the ruling said.


The judge was making a reasonable comment but he forgot that you can only talk about blacks if you PRAISE them


Anonymous said...

looks like proof of darwinian natural selection in action

Anonymous said...

Anybody else thinking about Jimmy the Greek??? Cost him his career. :-(

"The black is the better athlete," The Greek said. "And he practices to be the better athlete, and he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes way back to the slave period. The slave owner would breed this big black with this big black woman so he could have a big black kid. That's where it all started."

Anonymous said...

So stating a historical fact is now considered racism!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was praise - he was talking about physical prowess... isn't that praise?
Of course, he didn't say that there weren't any weedy blacks, he didn't even say that they were somehow inferior... I'd agree that was probably inappropriate but not really offensive...???