Sunday, June 29, 2008

Colorado: Trustees back school in punishing students for "violent" parody

Laughing at lesbians is "violent". Looks like FIRE might have lost this one.
"The Chair of Colorado College's (CC's) Board of Trustees has affirmed the school's actions in finding that student Chris Robinson and another student wishing to remain anonymous violated CC's 'violence' policy for posting a flyer that parodied a flyer of the Feminist and Gender Studies program.

In a letter to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), Board of Trustees Chair David van Diest Skilling wrote that 'the College acted correctly in their handling of the students' behavior' and that 'there is no need for further action.' FIRE continues to call on CC to remove the guilty verdict from the students' files immediately and to stand by its own promises of freedom of expression."



Anonymous said...

Feminist and gender studies program? What's to study? Does this give someone a Masters in carpet munching?

Anonymous said...

Let's see someone start a Masculine Studies program, and we can use a stop watch to see how long (or short) it takes to get shut down for being "sexist."

Anonymous said...

Too bad you weren't smart enough to figure that out from the begining.