Saturday, October 18, 2008

Speech code of the month: University of Northern Iowa

We read:
"We have written in the recent past about the explosion of overbroad "bias incident" policies on college campuses nationwide. Many schools maintain policies that define so-called "bias incidents" to include a great deal of constitutionally protected expression. But perhaps none does so as dramatically as the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), a public university, which defines a bias incident as "any inappropriate word or action directed toward an individual or group based upon actual or perceived identity characteristics or background of a group or person and that is contrary to law or policy."

This policy is fatally flawed in many ways. First, the prohibition on "inappropriate words" is laughably overbroad and vague. Who decides what is "inappropriate"? It can't be the listener; courts have held time and again that a finding of harassment, for instance, cannot be based solely on the subjective reaction of the listener, since that would place speakers at the mercy of the most sensitive members of their community. Rather, conduct must be both subjectively and objectively harassing (from the perspective of a "reasonable person" in the victim's position) before it can actually constitute harassment.

Moreover, most speech that a reasonable person would find "inappropriate" is still protected by the First Amendment, since to be harassment speech must be so severe and pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with the victim's ability to pursue his or her education. It also can't be the university that decides what is "inappropriate"; it would be -for lack of a better word -entirely inappropriate for university administrators to have unfettered discretion to decide what UNI students can and cannot say. This policy is an invitation to abuse of discretion and arbitrary enforcement.



Anonymous said...

Seems like yet another example of an institution of higher learning focusing more on policy and feelings more than on actually teaching its students.

Anonymous said...

It also seems this university, (see: nest of socialists) deems itself a legislative body of some kind, with the authority to suspend the constitutional rights of students! Well, some students anyway. Of course, they wouldn't dare pull this on the Leftist students, or Muslim students.

Anonymous said...

Definitely well past time to abolish the unconstitutionally state-established religions of political correctness, environmentalism, and multi-culturalism. If anyone still doubts those are religions, just look at how those groups respond with defamation, insinuation, intimidation, etc. against a "heretic" who makes the slightest criticism of any of them. And I'm sure it would be easy to find federal tax money directed toward several groups belonging to each of those religions in the federal budget, making them state-established.

Anonymous said...

What would they ever do if they had a large No-traditional group of say former or retired Sailors and Marines? This is a group, that by nature, has salty language. Hmmmmmmmm.
GM Cassel
US Navy

Anonymous said...

robert, you're obviously a man of great wisdom and even more important, common sense. Bravo!

Unfortunately, our fellow citizens are not smart enough to understand that political correctness is eroding all of our freedoms, especially freedom of speech. As is usually the case, they will wake-up too late.

Anonymous said...

All speech codes should be struck down as unconstitutional and school that expell students for using their free speech should lose tax money AND MAKE THE SUPERNETENDENT WHERE A PINK TUTU TO HIMILIATE THE LIBERAL DOOFUS