Thursday, January 29, 2009

British watchdog bans Christian advert claiming that a vaccine leads to infertility

Again we have censorship arising from just one complainer
"A Christian advert which suggested the cervical cancer vaccine would make teenagers sterile has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority.

Christian Voice believes the HPV vaccine will increase teen sex and cause a surge in sexually-transmitted infections that cause infertility. It placed an advert in New Statesman magazine which claimed: `Now we have the disaster of teenage infertility. Every Government initiative, including the HPV vaccine, will increase it, but as all the targets revolve around pregnancy, no-one in power knows how many young people they are making sterile and nobody cares.'

The advertising watchdog began an investigation after one complaint. It found the advert breached codes on truthfulness, substantiation and principles.


Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease and it does cause infertility. So anything that makes women feel that it is safer to have indiscriminate sex DOES expose them to the risk of infertility. The Christian ad is perfectly factual.


Anonymous said...

And a fact the promoters of the vaccine fail to mention is that if a young woman is not sexually active, then her likelihood of cervical cancer is significantly reduced, meaning that the vaccine is not needed. Of course teaching personal responsibility and accountability is beyond the scope of the government and any Left-leaning person.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that they have done enough long-term research to even know if this will cause sever side effects later in life.

Anonymous said...

Getting kids to have more sex and more out-of-wedlock children of their own (and at lower ages) is all part of the socialist plan for a family-free, atheist society.
Anything that threatens that HAS to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Factual? Your full of feces.

Jonathan Lewin said...

I'm disappointed with this item. In my opinion, it doesn't match the high standard of most of the other items on Tongue Tied.

The point is that the ad appears to make the absurd claim that there is a causal relationship between the vaccine and teen infertility. It also appears to blow the issue of teen infertility out of all proportion.

Considering that Cervical cancer is a devastating life threatening condition, I think that an ad that compares it with an alleged infertility crisis is both misleading and deceptive. Its motivation is clearly hysteria about the idea of teens engaging in sexual activity.

I am even more disappointed with the four comments that have appeared here. What a pity that the individual who said that he "doesn't believe that they have done enough long-term research" failed to provide his credentials so that we could judge the extent to which what he believes has any bearing on the matter. Perhaps this indivual would be willig to supply us with a CV and a list of his research publications on this topic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lewin. For such articulate verbiage you sure did take the low road on this one!

People are entitled to their opinions. To belittle those who disagree with your view is pretty doggone immature.

You are a troll.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Lewin said...

To these various people whose confidence in their opinions is so great that they have to remain anonymous:

You are entitled to your opinions but I am asking whether you actually have any. You can certainly have the opinion that coffee tastes better with sugar in it. However, to affect to have an "opinion" about a scientific matter about which you you know nothing and on which you have no training simply shows how stupid you are.

And how do you know that you "disagree" with me. Did I express an opinion about whether the research into a vaccine against cervical cancer is flawed? I would never, could never do that because I am not a scientist. However, in the unlikely event that you ARE one please supply your CV and YOU OWN publications so that we can make the determination that you are not just the idiot that you appear to be.


Anonymous said...

The URL for the vaccine article posted by Anon is too long to see without viewing the page source code. So here is a live link to the article.

Anonymous said...

That article also links to this article which is a more in depth discussion of the debate surrounding the vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ed, the articles were pretty interesting.

Jonathan, you seem like a very angry person. Do you know (or did know) somebody with cervical cancer?

-Ferndale Fanny

Anonymous said...

Hey ! you guys
You seem to have all missed the point .
Without the fear of cervical cancer ,some girls with maturing bodies, adult hormones, and immature decision making skills will choose promiscuity . This will place the little dears at risk of a whole spectrum of diseases many of which often cause infertility .

Get over your credentials or lack thereof , enrole in a remedial course in basic english , and exercise some common sense next time you try to wax eloquent .

superman the student architect

Anonymous said...

"Getting kids to have more sex and more out-of-wedlock children of their own (and at lower ages) is all part of the socialist plan for a family-free, atheist society."

Good point anon.

In my youth we abstained from sexual relations till after marriage and simply settled for good old masturbation

You might go blind, but it didn't make you infertile!

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S why I had to start wearing glases at the age of 13. Thanks Grainewale for the 411.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's a very clever conspiracy by a secret socialist-atheist organization - so secret we don't know its name yet, but rumor has it they meet in rooms sublet by the Freemasons and borrow their regalia.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's a very clever conspiracy by a secret socialist-atheist organization - so secret we don't know its name yet, but rumor has it they meet in rooms sublet by the Freemasons and borrow their regalia.

Yeah, and they share symbology and interlocking directorates with the LDS Church, the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, the Trilateral Commission and an international cartel of Jewish bankers headed by Bernard Baruch. You just thought he was dead.