Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some amusing Leftist hate-speech

Michael Steele is a black Republican who has had a distinguished career in that party, including being the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland on the GOP ticket. He has now been elected as chairman of the Republican National Committee, a very prominent and responsible position in the GOP and hence something of a rejoinder to the election of Obama. Listen to the screech below when the writer sees that the Democrats might have their near monopoly of the black vote threatened by Steele's election.
"Ouch. Just when you thought things could not POSSIBLY get any worse for the most diseased, corrupt, fraudulent, failed political party in US history, they have officially surrendered their only true core...the racist southern white vote.

First, they insulted these idiots by choosing a woman to run as VP candidate, and now, they've urinated in their faces with their decision to allow Michael Steele to try to pick up the shattered pieces of what remains of this national disease known as the republiCON party.

I personally think that Michael Steele is probably a very decent man, otherwise, and frankly, I haven't a clue in the world why he would want to publicly align himself with the most racist, divisive, intolerant organization known to man. BUT, it is what it is...I'm sure that republiCON leadership was equally as shocked to learn that they actually had a token black amongst them, that was actually willing to admit party affiliation in public.



Anonymous said...

The author calls himself "Clark Kent" the alias of Superman. Get it Superman as in White Supremest?

The Liberal God that is called Obama by many is making the census partisan. This is an effort to keep racism alive to support the Democratic Party. Because if racism becomes a minor issue or is eliminated the Liberals don't have a reason to hate Conservatives.

Anonymous said...

Seems reasonable to me.

Anonymous said...

The comments there show that the Democrats are a deluded irrational bunch. Most of them have no clue that the KKK is the terrorist wing of their own party and they've never thought to examine how the continuing racist policies of the Democratic party have destroyed the once strong nuclear family ties that held them together.

Nowadays the Democratic party is supported by an undereducated, underachieving, insulated from each other dependent class that is mostly black. If the Dems hadn't opened the public coffers to "help" these people they'd actually have to work hard and together at which point they'd discover they have real strength and can make personal accomplishments and would become independent.

Anonymous said...

The comments there show that the Democrats are a deluded irrational bunch. Most of them have no clue that the KKK is the terrorist wing of their own party and they've never thought to examine how the continuing racist policies of the Democratic party have destroyed the once strong nuclear family ties that held them together.

Nowadays the Democratic party is supported by an undereducated, underachieving, insulated from each other dependent class that is mostly black. If the Dems hadn't opened the public coffers to "help" these people they'd actually have to work hard and together at which point they'd discover they have real strength and can make personal accomplishments and would become independent.

Anonymous said...

The comments there show that the Democrats are a deluded irrational bunch. Most of them have no clue that the KKK is the terrorist wing of their own party and they've never thought to examine how the continuing racist policies of the Democratic party have destroyed the once strong nuclear family ties that held them together.

Nowadays the Democratic party is supported by an undereducated, underachieving, insulated from each other dependent class that is mostly black. If the Dems hadn't opened the public coffers to "help" these people they'd actually have to work hard and together at which point they'd discover they have real strength and can make personal accomplishments and would become independent.

Anonymous said...

give 'em free cheese & they will vote for me....

Anonymous said...

Most blacks don't care who they vote for as long as their welfare checks keep coming in.

If the last 8 years have taught us anything, it's that the statement above is NOT true. The Republicans attempted to use social programs to buy votes, and were rejected by their Conservative Core AND those who depend on such programs! Blacks still vote overwhelmingly Democratic because that's what they've always done.

Any thinking Black Man who shows a Conservative mindset is demonized as "Uncle Tom," "Oreo," and any number of epithets by the Liberal Left. Why think if that's your reward?

Anonymous said...

give 'em free cheese & they will vote for me....

And the Russians have a most apropos saying for that:

"The free cheese is at the center of a trap."

In this case, the free cheese is at the center of the trap of slavery known as dependency.

Anonymous said...

The writer called the Republicans racist, but Republicans elected Steele, Cantor, Bobby Jindal, and that Vietnamese-American to Congress, am I missing something?

nerd said...

they've urinated in their faces...

Great analogy! Wonderful, expressive vocabulary! Must've gotten a degree in English from the University of Wisconsin when Donna Shalala was the chancelor.

Anonymous said...


Blacks didn't always vote for Democrats though, it was in the 60's when LBJ started the welfare system that the Democrats conned the black vote by saying what has the Republican party done for you lately.

It's a little reported therefore little known fact that the Reverend Martin Luther King was a Republican all his life.

Sorry about the repeated post above, response times on these comments pages yesterday was abysmal.

Anonymous said...

The Liberals are beside themselves with anguish because they know that Michael Steele is very inteligent, very competent, and worst of all, he is honest.

Did the Liberals think that Condoleezza Rice was white ?

Anonymous said...

Yet Holder calls us stupid for not wanting to engage in conversations about race or spend weekends together. Well just look at the vile spewed and you can see why.