Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why can’t students say “guns” in school?

We read:
"Media snicker of the day: those crazy gun nuts, worried that the government is out to snatch their constitutional rights along with their AK-47s. 60 Minutes is the latest to have a chuckle, playing a commercial for a Washington, D.C.-area firearms show that that urges viewers to ‘Celebrate the Second Amendment and get your guns while you still can!’

My own hunch is that the sheer number of Americans who own guns (the low estimate is something over 40 million) will keep their Second Amendment rights off the endangered-species list for the foreseeable future. Their First Amendment rights, however, may be another matter. Those are taking a beating these days, right in the place that’s supposed to be America’s rowdiest free-speech zone: college campuses. A student who speaks up about the right to own or carry a gun stands a good chance of getting suspended or even arrested …”



Anonymous said...

Political correctness, not terrorism, will destroy this and many other countries. PC is the greatest threat to freedom since communism, and yet, the people welcome it with open arms, and closed minds.

Bobby said...

"will keep their Second Amendment rights off the endangered-species list for the foreseeable future. "

---I can only hope so, because everytime there's a school shooting the media gets really hysterical, but when guns are used in self-defense (which is about a million times a year) they don't get any coverage, or the story gets buried on page 12.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Guns don't kill people, bullets do. Ban bullets. Keep your fucking guns."

Scum-sucking liberals kill more people each year than all the legal guns we have!

Anonymous said...

"For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security."

Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

So talking about guns gets banned unless it's negative.
Guess what happens in a generation when everyone (or at least the majority) believes deeply (from decades of indoctrination) that guns are inherently bad?
Yes, they'll call for guns to be banned themselves and rat on anyone who doesn't turn his in.
They also won't be angry at police brutality when SWAT or armed forces come knocking down doors and ransacking (other peoples') homes looking for contraband firearms.

Anonymous said...

"Guns don't kill people, bullets do. Ban bullets. Keep your fucking guns."My unloaded m-1 carbine makes a great club and with a 6-inch bayonet attacked to the barrel it makes a great spear!

Anonymous said...

Can't say guns, but you can say....

"condoms, condoms, Condoms!"

Anonymous said...

Automobiles kill more people every year than guns do. Ban automobiles.

Anonymous said...

Automobiles are not designed kill. Guns are, dimwit.

Robert said...

And in Britain, where they have outlawed guns, the criminal-minded use knives as their weapons of choice. If Britain were to take away all knives, the criminal-minded would find something else to use as a weapon, like a screwdriver, a saw, a blackjack, a club, a broken glass bottle, or anything else you could make a weapon out of. For those who aren't overpoweringly muscular, the gun is a very handy tool for leveling the playing field. The most dangerous part of someone with a weapon is the person wielding the weapon, especially if that person is of bad moral character. The tool in the person's hand is secondary.

Anonymous said...

"Automobiles are not designed kill. Guns are, dimwit."

Hey, idiot - I've never killed anyone with MY guns. Besides, what difference does it make? Is someone who's killed with a gun any more dead that someone killed with a car? Think for a change.