Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A strong but ladylike response to lowdown scum

We read:
"TV host Tracy Grimshaw last night unleashed a stinging rebuke to celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. A seething Grimshaw branded the foul-mouthed Ramsay an arrogant bully.

Her blast came after the chef let fly with a series of gibes about her at cooking shows in the past three days. Grimshaw says she was hurt by Ramsay's slurs, which included calling her a pig woman and a lesbian. "I'm not going to sit meekly and let some arrogant narcissist bully me," she said on A Current Affair. "We've all seen how Gordon Ramsay treats his wife and he supposedly loves her. We're all just fodder to him."

Grimshaw maintained her composure but could not hide the pain: "I wonder how many people would laugh if they were effectively described as an old ugly pig. Obviously Gordon thinks any woman who doesn't find him attractive must be gay. "For the record, I don't and I'm not."

"I'm not going to pretend that his comments didn't hurt. I was absolutely miserable when I found out," Grimshaw said on air last night. "He says it was a joke - well not to me or to anyone who truly cares about me," she said.

An emotional Grimshaw took aim at Ramsay for commenting on her private life at his cooking shows after stipulating that he couldn't be interviewed about his private life on A Current Affair. "Last week his publicists stipulated incessantly the interviews on this trip not include questions about his marriage and private life. We all know why. I respected that request, but it appears with Ramsay that respect is a one-way street."

Grimshaw admitted she had spent most of Sunday debating whether to respond but had finally decided to air her feelings because "we all know bullies thrive when no one takes them on".


She could easily have had him prosecuted for defamation or lodged a complaint with one of Australia's anti-discrimination tribunals but she handled it personally -- an example to us all. Video at the link. Any TV station that employs Ramsay again puts themselves in his class.

As the abuse was broadcast nationwide, she could have hauled him before the Victorian Anti-discrimination Tribunal. They even penalize people for laughing at the Koran so one imagines that they would be pretty punitive about Ramsays's "jokes" about a much-respected woman.


Anonymous said...

If people don't realize this is part of his shtick, then those people are highly misinformed about who he is and only have the ability to make silly statements like the one John has made here. I will watch any TV station he is on as well as any Radio and websites he may be at.

Next thing you'll say is that Don Rickles is an humorless old coot.

Anonymous said...

To each his own.