Friday, July 17, 2009

"Eurabia" is hate speech (?)

We read:
"One of the pet projects of the Islamophobe industry is to issue dire warnings about how the tide of muslims in Europe is rising and threatening to wipe out European culture. There have been numerous factual rebuttals to this propaganda, but few have gotten wide exposure beyond the blogsphere. That is why i am glad to see this piece in Newsweek, which points out the hypocrisy of Eurabia being a call to defend "western values" when the idea itself is hostile to everything the West nominally stands for....

The terrible thing about Eurabia however is not that it's simply wrong, but that it's as insidious as the blood libel against the Jews, in that it fosters and amplifies ethnic and religious hatred against all Muslims by lumping them together with single, diabolical intent. Eurabia shares much with the hoary old canard about "Jew York City", in that it hinges on a fundamental racism at its core.


With continued Muslim immigration into Europe (mostly illegal) and higher Muslim birthrates due to Muslim restrictions on women, it is simply logical that Muslims will one day outnumber the native people of Europe in their own countries. It may not happen as soon as some say but the result will be the same unless European politics take an as yet unforeseeable turn towards expelling those who fail to assimilate or some such.

And no-one can doubt the hostility of Muslims towards the West, with those who live in the West sometimes being the most radical -- most of the 9/11 bombers, for instance.

So the concept of a coming "Eurabia" is simply logic, and if that is hate speech then we are all in deep trouble.

And the comparison with Jews is absurd. Jews may excite envy of their success but they don't go around bombing and killing people in Western cities. It is plain sense to be wary of hostile people and even though most Muslims are not likely to bomb anyone, how can we know which of them are the ones who WILL translate their hostility into action? Mind-reading is as yet an undeveloped science. And just a few nuts can do a lot of damage, as New Yorkers know.


Anonymous said...

The muslims don't need to outnumber the native populations in absolute terms as they become the majorities in many enclaves/ghettoes, or become significant minorities in certain cities, and can then vote for local politicians who to win their votes are amenable to their demands for special services and special consideration, or vote for muslim politicians directly. There isn't even any need for threats or actual violence or terrorism, they can just manipulate western democracy. As the natives bend to accommodate the muslim culture and religion out of polite consideration, the whole society becomes muslim-esque by default.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:35 AM

If your house is foreclosed on, it's usually because you weren't making the payments. Would YOU make two house payments - yours and a neighbor, perhaps - to keep them from losing their home?

The fault isn't with the Jews, it's with Obama taking all the jobs away.

Anonymous said...

More information to ponder, many of the western european countries have a birth rate well below population stability. This, coupled with the Muslim's rather high birth rate in the same countries spells doom for western european cultures. The Muslims are the Borg and it is the religion of assimilation.

Anonymous said...

How many Mafia does it take to control, say, most of Sicily?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 1:38, i agree with your comment, but i don't believe they have the patience to wait for that process to take place. They want it to happen much sooner.

Anonymous said...

I like you little caveat JJR - "in Western cities"...
What do they do in Eastern cities?

Anonymous said...

"How could anyone lump all muslims together and call them evil?"

Rethuglicans are good at that.

Anonymous said...

But Demoncrats are better at it!

Anonymous said...


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