Saturday, July 11, 2009

Leftists who don't know much about political terminology

A Firedoglake writer says: "Jim DeMint is Latest Republican to Compare Obama to Hitler" and they quote DeMint's following statement in support of that:
"Part of what we’re trying to do in “Saving Freedom” is just show that where we are, we’re about where Germany was before World War II where they became a social democracy. You still had votes but the votes were just power grabs like you see in Iran, and other places in South America, like Chavez is running down in Venezuela. People become more dependent on the government so that they’re easy to manipulate. And they keep voting for more government because that’s where their security is. When our immigrants get here, they’re worried, because they see it happening here.


The Firedoglake writer completely misses the point of what DeMint specifically said: That he was referring to the social democratic (Weimar) era in Germany. He did NOT refer to Hitler. He was comparing the Obama regime to the democratic Leftists who PRECEDED Hitler, not to Hitler himself.

That democratic socialism tends to pave the way for dictatorship is however true -- as DeMint points out. Democratic socialism and Fascism differ only in the degree to which people are dependant on the government. Dependancy is pervasive under socialism and all-pervasive under Fascism.


Anonymous said...

Not that comparisons between Hitler and Obama can't be made and show striking and disturbing simularities.

But Hitler was a lot more intelligent than Obama will ever be. If he'd not become a paranoid lunatic circa 1942 things would have gone quite different for Europe and maybe the entire world.
But with his personal physician injecting him with cocktails of chemicals including mercury and probably meth and LSD is it surprising he became a raving madman where previously he'd been little more than a vengeful megalomaniac?

Anonymous said...

If Leftists depended on facts and accuracy, they'd have nothing to say.

Anonymous said...

Timeless Wisdom

Way back when, at least one perceptive individual ‘got it’.

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance."

Cicero - 55 BC

Fast forward to the present and we’re compelled to ask, what have we learned in 2, 064 years.

The answer is obvious: not one damn thing.

Anonymous said...

Actually, they may know and the accusation is just a politically-expedient lie that is hoped to pass as truth due to the uncritical thinking of the general population.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for obama to get poked in the eye and be "reborn" again as the anti-christ.

David W. Hunter said...

Some hope for all:

I'd recommend everyone here read The Macro Polity, by Erikson, et al. Its a comprehensive analysis of American Politics. One thing they reveal is that in the United States, the "mood" of the public shifts between liberal and conservative. When the government is lead by liberals, mood shifts towards conservatism and vice versa. These swings seem to last 8-12 years on average. I think you can already see public backlash on Obama's big government, spend till the cows come home policies. I personally belive that if the Republicans can get their crap together and go back to the fiscal conservatism of the Reagan years, then Obama is going to have a tough race in a few years.

Again, I'd recommend the book. It's true empirical analysis based on 50 years of data. Good book.

Robert said...

Alternately, I could recommend "Conquer the Crash" and Elliott Wave Principles" which explain how social mood rises and falls in waves, with increasingly positive social moods influencing actions expressing optimism, trust, cooperation, expansion, rational thinking, seeking control over nature, and other positive items, while a declining social mood influences actions expressing pessimism, distrust, conflict, conservation, magical thinking, seeking control over other people, and other negative items. A rising or falling social mood also influences decisions on buying or selling stocks, and the stock market is useful in gauging social mood. There is also over 70 years of data since Ralph Nelson Elliott noticed the patterns and used them in the late 1930's to predict there would be an enormous bull market about a decade away at a time when everybody was seeing the Great Depression.

Anonymous said...

You mean profiting from WWII - sounds almost like blood money - "plus ca change"!