Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA) joins worst offenders of liberty

With 3,400 students, Bucknell claims to be the nation's largest private liberal arts university:
" Thanks to its continuous distortions and abuses of its own policies on free expression to suppress political speech, Bucknell University has earned the dubious honor of being placed on FIRE's Red Alert list. Institutions on the Red Alert list are unrepentant offenders against basic rights that are guaranteed either by the U.S. Constitution or the schools themselves, and they have policies and/or practices that demonstrate a serious and ongoing threat to current and future students. They are the "worst of the worst" when it comes to protecting liberty on campus.

Though repeated letters from FIRE, backed up with documentary evidence, have made clear to Bucknell that its suppression of the political activities of the Bucknell University Conservatives Club (BUCC) was a violation of its supposed core principles of free expression, Bucknell has continued to willfully misinterpret its policies and offer after-the-fact defenses that make a mockery of campus expression and severely endanger free speech at Bucknell. In spite of this, and of the fact that its actions have sparked widespread public condemnation and negative publicity, Bucknell has refused to accept wrongdoing for its suppression of BUCC's activities."



Anonymous said...

Another example of irrelevant, low-level political hacks who see themselves as all-knowing, all-powerful gods, with the authority to ignor the Constitution. The best way to get their attention is to attack them where it hurts the most. ($$$)

Anonymous said...

Yep, time for an expensive law suit.

Anonymous said...


" When the framers of the American republic spoke of “the people,” they did not mean a collectivist organism one part of which was authorized to consume the rest. They meant a sum of individuals, each of whom—whether strong or weak, rich or poor—retains his inviolate guarantee of individual rights.”
– Leonard Peikoff, 'The Ominous Parallels'