Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Hate Speech of Tucker Max

By two dimwits who take satire seriously. How did such dimwits get into Johns Hopkins?
"We are two of over 350 students who are strongly opposed to Tucker Max's appearance on our campus this Wednesday night. This event is a slap in the face to the women on campus, the sexual abuse survivors, the sexual and racial minorities he denigrates with unprintable slurs, the physically disabled, and anyone who does not fit into a white, Western-European, narrow-minded standard of beauty. We are appalled and disgusted that the HOP deems it acceptable to use our tuition dollars to bring a man to campus who routinely and blithely refers to women as "cum dumpsters" and "hos" and believes that "[y]our gender is hard-wired for whoredom," especially in light of the fervent and widespread opposition from students, faculty, and some members of the administration.

Max's misogyny veers into hate speech and endorsement of male entitlement, implied consent and rape. Welcoming him onto our campus gives his words a veneer of legitimacy and acceptability that they do not deserve. This HOP-sanctioned event gives the young men of this campus the wrong impression that Max's attitude and actions should be both glorified and mimicked. In the course of our protest, we were called - to our faces - "c---s," "fat bitches" and "whores," by male students - ostensibly our intellectual equals - who, taking a cue from Max, view misogyny and hate speech as a viable response to peaceful dissent. By bringing Max to campus, the HOP irresponsibly reinforces hateful, entitled attitudes, codifying them into the public discourse. Cheering on these attitudes further dehumanizes women and paves the way towards eventual acts of (sexual) violence, which happen - often - on our campus.


Tucker Max is a humorist who uses the familiar technique of comedic exaggeration. Nobody expects a sense of humor from feminists, though.


Anonymous said...

First, there was Andrew Dice Clay.

Now it is Tucker Max.

Larry the Cable Guy . . . Beware!!!

Anonymous said...

I did not know who this guy was until this controversy. I might look into buying his book now. Good thing for him those feminazis are so easily riled up, excellent publicity.

Anonymous said...

"Why is it always the fat ogly ones that complain?" They feel cheated that they never experence the power that comes with good looks and a beautiful body. They resent the women that do have this power and some how this is all mens fault.

Anonymous said...

Further proof that universities don't produce smart people, only educated ones.

Anonymous said...

Enlightened by stage drunk, welcome similar engaging "quality" campus entertainment as "FUN-for-ALL".
Invite (and fund) a NEO-Nazis parade or KKK barbecue on quad. Diversity & "Higher Learning", imagine indeed ...

Wes said...

The point is hypocricy of the left. When Kate Clinton says obnoxious things, the left sees no harm, merely freedom of speech. When Tucker Max says obnoxious things they are outraged. Either we have freedom of speech for everyone or we don't. The students have that freedom also and have the right to protest whomever they dislike. However their thinking is a little muddled when they fail to notice that both are equally disgusting.

Bobby said...

"The point is hypocricy of the left. When Kate Clinton says obnoxious things, the left sees no harm, merely freedom of speech. When Tucker Max says obnoxious things they are outraged."

---I see your point.

"Either we have freedom of speech for everyone or we don't. The students have that freedom also and have the right to protest whomever they dislike. However their thinking is a little muddled when they fail to notice that both are equally disgusting."

---I agree as well.

Robert said...

Further proof that universities don't produce smart people, only educated ones.

Actually, I would strike "educated" and replace it with "schooled"...