Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Staten Island mosque controversy

Muslims seem to think they can just demand reespect. Respect has to be earned. And not many Americans are going to respect pro-terror preaching in their own backyard.
"Those opposed to a planned mosque in Midland Beach are consumed by bigotry and hatred, a Muslim American Society leader said yesterday. Ibrahim Ramey, the human civil rights director for MAS’ advocacy arm, the MAS Freedom National, accused some Staten Islanders of engaging in a “ferocious attack” against Muslims based on stereotyping and prejudice. “When stripped of all the propaganda, innuendo, and flat-out lies, the issue is simply one of religious bigotry and hatred,” he said, in a letter issued to the media.

Ramey was referring to the pushback from neighbors of St. Margaret Mary R.C. Church, which agreed to sell a portion of its property to MAS for a mosque and community center. Along with concerns about traffic and parking, residents said they fear MAS is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been questioned for terrorist practices.

In the past week, residents have staged rallies protesting the sale, and the pastor who initially made the agreement, the Rev. Keith Fennessy, withdrew his support.

Bill Owens, a Midland Beach resident who has been very vocal in his opposition to MAS, said the group was wrong to characterize residents as full of hatred.

“We’re not racist or bigots,” he said. “The five firefighters from our neighborhood, they didn’t stop at the door of the World Trade Center and ask what sex, color and religion they were. They went into the building and perished. St. Margaret Mary’s just had their eighth-grade graduation and there were Muslim children who graduated. We’re not anti-Muslim, we’re anti-terrorist. Everybody says we’re Islamaphobes. No, we have a ‘terrorphobia.’”

Owens went on to say that residents received a lot of support at their rallies protesting the mosque — even from Muslims. “We’ve had Muslims come up to us and say, ‘Don’t let this organization move in here, they’re evil.’



Anonymous said...

poor moon-god worshiping fools! Mohammed was a fleshly non spiritual being full of violence and lust.

Anonymous said...

That section is predomiently Irish/Italian Catholic working/middle class.

That's some combination to mess with!!!!!

The moosies will (hopefully) back off.

Anonymous said...

"When stripped of all the propaganda, innuendo, and flat-out lies, the issue is simply one of religious bigotry and hatred."

Yep, that's very well put, and absolutely correct. And when Muslims prove to non-Muslims that the intent of Islam is to NOT take over the world in the name of Allah, then we will loosen up on the bigotry. Until then, Muslims must accept that they are simply not accepted by non-Muslims.

I am committed to exercise religious tolerance, but when a religion specifically states that it wants to kill me because I am not of their religion, then I cannot show tolerance. I will defend the Christian religion to the death.

Anonymous said...

Islam is a many-headed Hydra - or like the good cop-bad cop. One will try to allay your fears, but another will pull no punches. Guess who'd be wisest to believe?

Anonymous said...

You're right. Islam is not a religion, it's a cult. There's no recognized religion in the world that demands and condones the brutal killing of "all" non-believers. And only a fool would believe that they can be swayed from their devoted mission.

Americans are incapable of understanding that they are involved in a religious war. They also lack the most important weapon needed in a religious war, the will to fight it and win it.

Religious wars have been fought for thousands of years. And if history has taught us anything, it's that in such a war, there's only one winner. He who has the will.

Anonymous said...

Religious wars have been fought for thousands of years. And if history has taught us anything, all religions should be abolished.