Monday, July 05, 2010

It's not racist if we do it

That seems to be the Leftist view. Rand Paul, the libertarian son of Ron Paul, was viciously criticized by the Left as "racist" because he said that he opposed racism but he thought that legislation barring discrimination by private businesses was a breach of private property rights. But barring people from private businesses because of their group identity is OK if Leftists do it apparently
"I was visiting some friends in Portland, Oregon, and I was told about an incident at the local Red and Black Cafe, in which a police officer was asked to leave because their customers (sorry, "collective members") do not feel safe around police.

Said the co-owner (which I assume, as this IWW closed shop is "worker-owned" and "collectively managed," is simply one of the baristas) said, "If there's a police officer there, I wouldn't feel safe in that situation. I would feel worried that the officer might Tase the person or potentially shoot them for having a mental health issue."

I suggest they add "wearing a law enforcement uniform non-ironically" to their list of prohibited behaviors ... as long as "fostering inane and irrational paranoia" is still protected.

Regardless, what's clear is that they agree with Rand Paul that the right of private discrimination, while often an abomination, is protected by our Constitution. And because that view is "inherently racist," well ... I regret to report that these lovely people in Portland are racists.


(See the original for links)


Anonymous said...

sounds like they have a phobia, policeophobia. Oh that's right, phobias are only assigned for those opposing liberal policies/ideas.

Anonymous said...

What will they do if the Police view them the same way and refuse to respond to their calls for help? Perhaps they can call the aclu instead. Oregon may not be as openly radical as San Francisco, but it's certainly as leftist. And i seriously doubt those people would agree with anything Rand Paul says.