Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The false Leftist narrative about Christopher Columbus

We read:
"Today is Columbus Day, though you wouldn’t know it here in the United States. Christopher Columbus, or Christoffa Corombo in his native Genoese (now part of modern-day Italy), is probably one of the most important figures of the last millennium and his accomplishments deserve recognition.

Unfortunately, Americans have been bullied by the left into believing that Columbus was an evil man who does not deserve to be recognized....

However, if we are going to celebrate a day named after someone, I can think of no better candidate than Christoffa Corombo. After all, his discovery set off a chain of events that led to the American Revolution and the putting into action the idea that people, not kings, are the real sovereigns".



Anonymous said...


Columbus day at my California College Campus is no longer a holiday and was replaced by the more politically correct Gay Lesbian Transgender and Bisexual Coming Out Day. No mention is made of Columbus on that day anymore.

Anonymous said...

You're right Anon 1:30. And do you know why things like that happen? Because We-The-Sheeple allow them to happen.

TheOldMan said...

So if Columbus was gay, then Bezerkley would bring back Columbus Day. Or they would self-destruct amid the contradictions in their little heads. Either way works for me.

Anonymous said...

Sheeple = dittoheads = teabaggers

Anonymous said...

The Tea bagers are going to drive your lefty ass out of town. The sooner the better. Stormewaters