Thursday, October 28, 2010

SC: Game lady flies the Stars & Bars in a black neighborhood

Black pride is OK but Southern pride is not?
"Residents of a black neighborhood in South Carolina protested a Confederate flag flying at a home Saturday.

About 70 people marched and sang civil rights-era anthems Saturday in the Brownsville neighborhood in front of the home of Annie Chambers Caddell, The Post and Courier of Charleston reported.

Caddell, who is white, told the newspaper after the march that she won't take down the Civil War emblem.

About 30 people brought more Confederate flags to Caddell's property Saturday and stood with her to show their support.


The same flag flies outside the Statehouse so why pick on a lone woman?


Stan B said...

Some people just work at being offended, even if no offense is intended.

Anonymous said...

A flag is a piece of what if it is a confederate can not hurt get over it.

Dean said...

"The same flag flies outside the Statehouse so why pick on a lone woman?"

For the same reason PETA threw blood at a woman wearing furs but not at Hell's Angels wearing leather jackets.

It's easier to intimidate a lone woman.

stinky said...

Stars and Bars? I think that was different flag, with a circular ring of stars in the upper left corner and ... three, was it? ... horizontal stripes. The flag in the pic came later, iirc, and originated as a battle flag.

"The same flag flies outside the Statehouse so why pick on a lone woman?"

I'm w/Dean on this one: bullies always prefer a weak target.

Anonymous said...

It might do all of us some good to remember the tens-of-thousands of brave, proud, and patriotic Americans who died fighting for that flag. That it has been turned into a thing of shame by professional racists should not diminish the sacrifices that were made.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the battle flag was square. That would be the naval adaptation. Neither flag was officially adopted by the CSA.

jonjayray said...

Yes. The "stars & bars" usage is common but not correct -- largely because there was a huge range of Confederate flags at different times

As Wikpedia says:

A rectangular variant of the battle flag used by some Confederate Army Units, now called "The Confederate Flag" or "The Confederate Battle Flag", despite its never having historically represented the CSA as a nation, has become a widely recognized symbol of the South. It is also called the "rebel", or "Dixie" flag, and is often incorrectly referred to as the "Stars and Bars" (the actual "Stars and Bars" is the First National Flag, which used an entirely different design)."

Anonymous said...

So if you put up a UK flag it would be an affront to US independence and liberty? (or rather the pre-1776 British flag to be historically correct).

Anonymous said...

The Civil War is a real part of the history of the United States in which the South fought against the North for many reasons more apart from slavery. The families of those who fought have the same right under our Constitution to honor their memories as do the families of soldiers in any other war.


Anonymous said...

I must be a bad person because I fly Confederate flags all the time. Weird thing is that I am not a racist, maybe I am doing it wrong.

Anonymous said...

" must be a bad person because I fly Confederate flags all the time. "

For once, a conservative says something correct.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:21 your not good at recognizing sarcasm are you?

Anonymous said...

"Anon 11:21 your not good at recognizing sarcasm are you?"

Neither do you.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:46 I recognize sarcasm, I just ignore it from stupid people.