Thursday, December 09, 2010

End the FCC

We read:
"As if individual liberty were not sufficiently under assault already, a runaway government agency, whose very existence is not sanctioned by Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution —which lists those few activities in which government is legally permitted to engage— is trying to carry off a Fascist coup d'etat against the First Amendment freedoms afforded to Americans by the Internet.

That runaway agency is the Federal Communications Commission.

In the spirit of the first fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, a spirit that we've become all too accustomed to with the outlaw Obama Administration, without legislative support of any kind, without the Constitutional amendment that it would actually require, without anything even remotely resembling due process, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has announced that his rogue agency will seize control of the Internet whether the people and the law support his actions or not.

Not surprisingly, in the tradition of another Mussolini admirer, Huey Long, would-be fascist dictator of Louisiana, Genachowski is claiming that this takeover will guarantee freedom, rather than suppress it. The same claim has been made by and about the FCC for decades as it savagely stifled dissent and all but destroyed artistic freedom.

No nation with a First Amendment in its Constitution should suffer an agency like the FCC to exist. First established in 1934 (replacing William Howard Taft's illegal Radio Act of 1912 and Calvin Coolidge's Federal Radio Commission of 1926) to consolidate absolute government control over radio communications in the wake of World War I and in the face of clear First Amendment prohibitions, it represents a job that we of the freedom movement have foolishly left unfinished, to the detriment and extreme risk of everything we would consider truly American.



Stucco Holmes said...

I bet L. Neil Smith doesn't like traffic lights either.

We The People said...

How typical of the radical left to tell you that your freedom is being taken away so that you'll be more free! All it does is prove, once again, that this Marxist govt. in DC has absolutely no regard for the law, the constitution, or the people. It is in fact, Venezuela North. It's time this govt. was brought down!

Anonymous said...

The current administration in DC proves that generally speaking, the American people should not be trusted with the power of the vote, as they clearly lack the intellectual capacity to make rational decisions or think for themselves.

Spurwing Plover said...


Anonymous said...

... and I bet Obama wants more traffic lights with a traffic light czar to head up a new department costing us another 20 billion per year...

Anonymous said...

Since it is so obvious that you people hate this country so much, why don't you just simply leave?

jonjayray said...

The FCC is America?

Anonymous said...

Hey, anon 1:04,

Since it is so obvious that you love socialism and dictatorial power so much, why don't you move to Venezuela or North Korea?

This country was founded on individual liberty and limited government. Leave the restoration of these principles to those that give a damn.


Anonymous said...

goebbels alive and well

King Condor said...

Anon Gobbels is alive in HOLLYWOOD