Monday, February 07, 2011

Pursed-mouth Leftist doesn't get satire

We read:
"The Koala, a tabloid launched last week by some California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) students, has achieved its publishers’ apparent goal: to inflame the university community with hate speech.

“Apparent” because, while The Koala has certainly engendered impassioned responses, the predominantly white males behind the publication have refused to discuss what it is they have wrought — or to identify themselves.... and they demanded 30-packs of beer from journalists who requested interviews, which, given their likely ages, smacks of soliciting criminal acts — and challenges their legitimacy as a newspaper, as they describe The Koala.

It is The Koala’s content that most effectively challenges the newspaper claim. Just about every demographic — except straight, white males — is addressed with violent, prurient and/or grotesque language: gays and lesbians, women, rape and pedophilia victims, pediatric cancer and burn patients, African-Americans, Latinos, Asians and Muslims. The Koala is a miasma of isms.


It's a protest against political correctness that is so extreme it is supposed to make you laugh. But laughter is discouraged in the Gulag of an American university. You can judge the publication for yourself here.


Anonymous said...

Went to the site and started to read it. Couldn't get through it, so many foul words ... it was hard for me to believe I was reading something from college level students.

Even if it was intended to be satire, why the need for all the vulgarities? Shows a lack of intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Nothing shows a greater lack of intelligence than subscribing to the "invented" rules of political correctness, which is what these students were saying. It's very refreshing to see someone finally speak up, especially since it's coming from PC's home, Mexifornia.

Anonymous said...

"Political correctness is a greater threat to our freedom and liberty than is terrorism..."