Friday, March 18, 2011

‘No Speak English, No Service’: Restaurant Owner Removes Controversial Sign After Bombarded With Threats

The owner of the diner didn't threaten anyone. His staff just didn't understand Spanish. It took the Fascist Left to threaten violence.
"For Greg Simons, the owner of the Reedy Creek Family Diner on US 150 in Davidson County, North Carolina, language barriers affect his bottom line. So after some Spanish-speaking customers visited his diner about a month ago, and then left after an uncomfortable situation with the wait staff, Simons decided to put an end to such miscommunications once and for all.

He posted a sign in his restaurant which read, “No Speak English, No Service.” But just yesterday, he was forced to take the sign down after he was bombarded with complaints and threats. Someone even threw a brick through his window, according to The Dispatch, a Davidson County newspaper. “We started getting threatening phone calls and people using colorful language if you will,” Simons said.

The bottom of the sign read, “We only speak and understand American.” In addition to being translated into Spanish, the phrase “No Speak English, No Service” appeared on the sign in German, French, and Russian. Some have criticized Simons’ sign as discriminatory and racist. But Simons waved that criticism aside, saying that everyone’s money is green.

“It doesn’t really make any sense to me. Why would I want to alienate any customers?” he asked. Simons told The Dispatch, “Nobody here is bilingual. If you can’t tell me what you want, I can’t give you what you need. It’s nothing about race; it’s a language barrier. We don’t speak any Spanish.”



Anonymous said...

I suppose if they had worded the sign a little differently it might have been better. You know, more apologetic for being American. Seems to be the way everybody wants it (liberals).

"We are truly sorry, but there are no bilingual employees here, we are only capable of speaking English. We are truly sorry for the great inconvenience this will cause some of you. We are sending our first born sons to linguistic schools, each to learn a different language so that we may serve you better. In the meantime, please enjoy a free lunch, on us, because of our ignorance of your language. You may also live with us and we will gladly drive you back and forth to work. Also, my cousin, Leo, has a barber shop down the street, so he will give you a free hair cut for your troubles here. However, Leo does not speak anything but English, either, so to make up for that, he is willing to mow your lawn once a week for the entire summer. Since that may offend the ozone tree huggers, his son Arnold the pool cleaner, will come and clean the pool for you ...... "

Anonymous said...

This would've never happened in "the old South", when folks down there were still real Americans instead of pussy's influenced by Northern PC'ism.

Perhaps North Carolina has other problems re: illegals. Up here in NYC, you can almost always tell an illegal by the vehicle they're driving, because it has NC tags on it. Is NC that desperate for money that they'll give a registration and license plate to anybody, even if they can't speak, read, or write English? Obviously, the South will never rise again!

Anonymous said...

I live in Chattanooga and I can tell you we don't put up with that BS here.

The South WILL rise again, in fact, the South IS rising again. Where do you think the Tea Party was born? The South!

Anonymous said...

Well lynching people is kinda of frowned on these days. There is no love of illegals from most of NC natives. The problems are the liberals that moved in from out of state (NY, NJ, etc) and there are a lot of them that are voting fools into office that allow it. However if you notice there have been a lot of changes. NC state government is republican in both house and senate in over 100 years. More and more places are doing the 287G program.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how people who either live in the US or visit it can expect to manage without using any English ("American" is a bit ambiguous for reasons shown here).

Anonymous said...

There aren't many countries in the world which are so predominantly mono-linguistic and so proud of it.
In most of the world people are actively encouraged to learn a foreign language.
I recently returned from Indonesia.
While there I tried to use their language as best I could but thank goodness most of them speak English or I would have starved to death!

Anonymous said...

It isn't as though English is some obscure language encountered when traveling in the US. It's an international language on many levels.

We The People said...

Anonymous said...
"There aren't many countries in the world which are so predominantly mono-linguistic and so proud of it."

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that some of us are trying very hard to hang onto what's left of our history, traditions, and sovereignty, especially when so many, including the current govt., are working so hard against us. Most of the people who come here (legally) look forward to assimilating. It is in fact, one of the reasons they come. Not so with illegals and their pro-illegal supporters. They expect (demand) that WE assimilate. That would not be tolerated in any other country.

Anonymous said...

Why candycoat it. Just tell them we dont speak your languang here. Why do I have to be sorry I don't speak it. If I went to their country I might be sorry I didn't speek the language but I woulde't expect then to cater too me. Why do I have to like blacks, or gays, or mexicans or muslins? Do you think they like me or if I give a shit if they like me or not. I'm sick of bending over backward to please someone that can't ever be pleased no matter what you do it's never enough. So F**kem. Stormewaters