Thursday, March 17, 2011

UCLA Girl on Asians in the Library

I might have passed over this story except that the foolish woman concerned is now getting death threats. The story is basically about culture clash but there is very little comment to that effect in the coverage of the matter.

UCLA has a large number of Asian students, mostly Han Chinese. And although I myself think very highly of the Han, it is true that they come from a different culture with a different conception of manners. The differences are probably traceable to the more crowded situation in which they normally live in China.

And the UCLA girl (Alexandra Wallace) not only noticed these differences but complained about them on YouTube! Basically, her complaint was that the Chinese were too loud in the library and thus distracted her from her reading and study. She was probably making an accurate observation but you are not of course allowed to say anything derogatory about any ethnic group in an American university!

So now the sensitive and humane Left are making death threats against her! So who are the thugs now? The KKK always were Leftists and it is those making the death threats who are the lineal descendants of the KKK now, not the foolishly outspoken woman.

It is my observation that the Han try quite hard not to cause any offense to the majority culture in which they live, so it is regrettable that ethnic criticism is censored. It would in general be a help to Han people to know of ways in which they were unwittingly offending.

The video of Ms Wallace and details of the story here. I have also reposted the video below.


Anonymous said...

Jon, why do hate women so much?

Anonymous said...

Generally speaking, the Chinese, like the Japanese, are light years ahead of us (Western societies) when it comes to being polite and having manners. Perhaps it's because they not only remember their heritage, traditions, and history, but live by them as well, something we long ago forgot.

It's been rather funny watching the liberal talking-heads of the MSM making their usually stupid comments about the tragedy in Japan. They can't seem to understand why, in the face of such a disastor, the people are calm, still polite, and not looting and rioting. They actually compared the situation to New Orleans after Katrina by showing video of both places. The answer was of course, in plain sight, though they didn't dare say it. Unlike N.O., THERE ARE NO BLACKS IN JAPAN!!

Anonymous said...

I have first hand experience with this. When I arrived at Columbia U. as by far the best graduate school in science I was accepted to I was actually pleasantly shocked at how fun, witty, flirty and boldly social the Chinese students were.

Why was I surprised?

Because my undergraduate days at the U. of Minnesota were tainted by the grotesque lack of class among the Chinese students that centered around their use of student lounge areas as gargage cans for moldy leftover food that they tossed everywhere but the garbage after screaming back and forth in sharp falsetto voices in between utterly disgusting lip smacking and liquid slurping noises that were simply horrifying.

Did I mention that the food stunk like a sewer? I now cook Chinese food regularly on a very powerful induction wok after stocking my pantry with provisions from Chinatown. Nowhere have I been put off by the mom and pop cafes of Chinatown like I was by the culinary hell that attached to undergraduates at the biggest state school in the USA. One of the biggest differences is the presence of smiles instead of grimaces, here, so that there is no culture of high anxiety that creates feelings of unease in a given room.

The difference I figured out was due to the desperation that plagued them due to their lack of being Ivy League quality students. Their level of anxiety is what made them loud and jumpy and prone to awkwardness, socially to the point of creating a savage and barbaric edge to their habitual face, neck and shoulder movements. They were studying for their very lives, always studying. None dated white guys and few if any were cute enough to even interest bottom feeder bachelors, especially since none as in zero in five years were independent enough to socialize *at* *all* as an individual.

Some if my fondists moments were winning the top score on math, chemistry, and physics, simultaneously, knowing that the top 10 below me were all study robots who did not date the hottest bombshell babes on campus like I did. So in a way their nemesis characteristic thrust me into the path that lead to Columbia and Harvard. It was their severe lack of creative punch that grated upon my soul enough to make me seek to extinguish that element of my own character that represented geeky avoidance of the good life.

At Columbia I began a 17 year long hyper active love affair with a gal born in Seoul, Korea. She is now one of Google's top lawyers. She experienced lots of grief, early on, due to my randy sense of wanderlust that revolved around the zesty and often busty top notch Chinese students who loved flirting with American guys line myself. Fond memories! My lab mate for a couple of years is now the Dept. of Chemistry chairman with over 40 students in his lab. He married a Chinese gal who had the sexiest fairest derriere of any synthetic organic chemist I ever had the pleasure of trying to ignore. She had no smiles for me though for she was a gal on a mission to get married, back in the day.


TheOldMan said...

It's not so much "No blacks in Japan" but rather no "entitlement attitude". Bad things happen. In the USA, that is seen as a golden lottery ticket. In Japan, it is seen as unfortunate, let's mourn the dead, get to work, and put it back together.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, one of the things I hate about libraries is how quiet they are.

Rango Smoking Controversy: Common Sense from A Parent.

Anonymous said...

Americans, you've lost your government and your country. Are your children next?

"President Obama could present the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to the senate for ratification soon. If ratified, the CRC would have the power to sweep away local, state and even federal laws that protect your parental rights. The CRC would effectively allow the United Nations to dictate to American citizens how they can raise their own children. SR 99 is a resolution that would prevent the CRC from even being introduced in the senate for consideration. All we need are 34 senators to co-sponsor the resolution to demonstrate that President Obama does not have the 67 votes needed to ratify the CRC." --- WSJ 3/15/11

sig said...

This is such bullsh*t. If I went to a foreign country and acted in ways that are not consistent with their rules/ordinances/laws, I would be immediately called on it and expected to comply or suffer the consequences (Cf: caning for vandalism incident in Singapore several years back.) But here in the United States, foreigners are given a pass simply because their culture is different. And WE citizens have to bend over backwards to not be insensitive to their differences. The whole notion of "consequence" is what has become so foreign thanks to our Politically Correct education system which won't come even close to teaching responsibility and accountability.