Monday, May 16, 2011

Mass. Teacher Told 11-Year-Old Drawing Of American Flag Would “Offend” Other Students

We read:
"A civil rights controversy is brewing at an elementary school in the Town of Orange, and it all surrounds an11 year-old’s drawing of the American Flag.

The family of Frankie Girard is claiming that their son’s civil rights were violated after a teacher allegedly told him that hanging his picture of the American flag would offend another student.

The Butterfield Elementary School is at the center of controversy for the incident on Monday. According to Frankie Girard’s father, John, the boy was in art class drawing a picture.

“He was denied hanging the flag up. And, he asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told no. He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there,” Girard said.

According to his father, the teacher told Frankie that his drawing of the American Flag would offend one of his classmates. “We’re allowing him to display his civil rights and be proud of who he is, but we’re denying Franklin those same rights,” Girard said.

The superintendent told 22News that Frankie’s father is “going to extremes” and that the school has always respected the American Flag.


The school is backpedalling now, of course. Publicity tends to have that effect.


Anonymous said...

Was there another child in the classroom that actually complained or is this teacher assuming it would happen because he/she/it knows the feelings of everyone in the classroom?

Anonymous said...

You're right Jon, publicity does have that effect. Publicity, and the smell of converging, angry, conservative lawyers. It's always the same with these Leftist EduNazi's. They'll try to enforce their Fascist rules until the lawyers show up. Then they grovel. Therein lies a good lesson for all.

Anonymous said...

"Therein lies a good lesson for all."

Yup, avoid anything controversial , otherwise you will be covered in stench from "converging, angry, conservative lawyers."

Spurwing Plover said...

Any student who would consiter the american flag as offensive is probibly a liberal little wanko who should just go back to where they came from like SAN FRANCISCO,U.C. BERKLEY and U.C. SANTA CRUZ whos mascots a stupid yellow slug

Anonymous said...

Yup, avoid anything controversial , otherwise you will be covered in stench from "converging, angry, conservative lawyers."

5:08 AM

...and what exactly is controversial about a drawing of an American flag in an American classroom?

Dean said...

If anyone living in this country, naturalized citizen or not, is offended by the U.S. flag they are welcome to go back to wherever they came from.

If they were born a citizen of the U.S., we get to pick the country they are sent to.

Anonymous said...

"...and what exactly is controversial about a drawing of an American flag in an American classroom?"

Nothing as far as I am concerned. The controversy was manufactured up by right wing douchbags.

Anonymous said...

Nothing as far as I am concerned. The controversy was manufactured up by right wing douchbags.

10:37 AM

So the teacher in the kid's art class is a right winger? I hardly think so.

Use the Name, Luke said...

The controversy was manufactured up by right wing douchbags.

Dude! Here's a clue: You will never be able to convince anyone of anything unless your arguments actually make sense.

Anonymous said...

...and what exactly is controversial about a drawing of an American flag in an American classroom?

If the assignment was to draw birds, then there might be a controversy with allowing one kid's drawing who did not follow directions to be displayed amongst those who did.

The school is claiming that the drawing a picture of a flag was not what he was supposed to be doing. If that is what happened, why should the kid get rewarded for by having his work places amongst those who followed directions?

I can honestly see a teacher telling an 11 year old that if they put his picture that he was not supposed to be doing up with the work of other kids, the other kids might get "offended."

I can also see the words of the teacher being exaggerated. I can see the kid having an ax to grind with the teacher and making something up. (see: )

If the school and the teacher did actually do what they are accused of, then they all have to go. Fire them all.

However, given the disparity in the accounts, what do we do if the kid lied and the father is backing up the lie the kid told?

Anonymous said...

According to news reports, the assignment was to draw your family. He didn't follow the assignnement. On top of that, the kids were to pin thier drawings up in a common area, and he wanted to pin his to his desk.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"According to news reports, the assignment was to draw your family. He didn't follow the assignnement. On top of that, the kids were to pin thier drawings up in a common area, and he wanted to pin his to his desk."

Yes, and both acts "clearly" covered by the First Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and both acts "clearly" covered by the First Amendment.



But thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

Where in the source article does it state he was supposed to be drawing a picture of his family?

Anonymous said...

He only asked to pin the picture to his desk after the teacher told him he couldn't pin it in the common area because it would offend someone.

Anonymous said...

oh who cares where some child wanted to pin a f'ing picture he scribbled! Looks like adults in the US have become as children in their purile concerns!

Anonymous said...

"Looks like adults in the US have become as children in their purile concerns!"

Looks like right wing, conservate, repuglican, christian adults in the US have become as children in their purile concerns!

Anonymous said...

Um, I'm fairly sure the teacher involved is not right-wing. We don't often use the "it might offend someone!" line.

Anonymous said...

The funny part in this is that the teacher and school are claiming the student did the art assignment wrong. This from the same side that wants new math where the right answers don't matter as much as the child exploring possibilities.

Anonymous said...

The leftists are growing more hostile daily. Must be that they see their messiah flailing.

Jub jub Bird said...

I wonder what would happen if some said the mexican flag was offensive?