Monday, September 05, 2011

Virginia City Weighs Confederate Flag-Flying Limits‏

We read:
"Officials in this city where Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson are buried are considering limits on downtown flag-flying, including the Confederate flag, angering defenders of the divisive Southern symbol.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans organized a rally ahead of a scheduled public hearing Thursday night and an expected vote.

Officials in this college town of 7,000 insist the flag limits are not aimed at the Confederate flag. The proposal would limit the use of downtown poles to the flying of the U.S., Virginia and Lexington flags. It would not restrict the display of the Confederate flag elsewhere in the city.

"They can carry their flags anywhere they want," City Manager T. Jon Ellestad. The city received hundreds of complaints the last time Confederate flags were planted in holders on lights poles, in January to mark Lee-Jackson Day, a state holiday.

The NAACP launched an economic boycott of South Carolina in 1999 about the Confederate flag that flew atop the Statehouse dome and in the chambers of the House and Senate. A compromise in 2000 moved the flag to a monument outside the Statehouse.

This is not the first time Lexington, is at the southern end of the Shenandoah Valley, has clashed with the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The city attempted nearly 20 years ago to ban the display of the Confederate flag during a parade honoring Jackson. The American Civil Liberties Union, which successfully defended the group's bid to carry the flag, is closely watching this dispute from afar.

"City council could live to regret this ordinance, as it imposes unusually restrictive limits on the use of the light poles," said Kent Willis, the ACLU's executive director in Virginia. "Sometime in the future when city officials want to use those light poles to promote a special event they may find themselves handcuffed by their own lawmaking.”



Anonymous said...

Perhaps Southerners are starting to realize the price they will pay for allowing so many northern liberals to move South. They will find that northern liberalism is like a deadly virus that not only infects everything in it's path, but tends to spread if not quickly (and completely) eradicated.

Maybe it's time to return to a day when disrespecting that proud flag would get you a quick trip to, and a short "dance" at, the nearest tree.

A. Levy said...

It's time for the South to rise again. In fact, it's time for the whole country to rise up.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure... " --Thomas Jefferson

Anonymous said...

Too late - the country (USA) is well into the decadent stage of its historical development - too indolent, complacent and all too self-indulgent (while recklessly spending more than it earns). Other countries are now more virile and on the rise!

sig said...

I can't help but wonder what the city's response would have been if someone wanted to display a star and crescent flag.

Anonymous said...

@A. Levy, I was born a Northerner and I now live in the South, and I couldn't agree more. Some serious changes must be made, otherwise we will most certainly find ourselves under very oppressive rule.