Monday, January 02, 2012

Who killed Jesus? Fury at online poll as Fox forced to apologise

We read:
"It is a severe blow to Jewish-Christian relations. A Fox employee posted on a Facebook page promoting a network's Christmas special a poll on whether Jews killed Jesus Christ.

The poll carried out by the Latin America division asked readers who was responsible for the death of Christ: There were three options: Pontius Pilate, The Jewish People or the High Priests.

The Simon Weisenthal Center in Buenos Aires calls it a defamatory reference to Vatican propaganda that 'resulted in the persecution and murder of Jews for two millennia.'


Any poll normally has a range of answers and they will normally include answers that the pollster himself disagrees with. The only issue is whether the poll represents the likely range of opinion. And this one seems to have done just that. This furore is just an attempt to hide the truth about what some people think.


Bird of Paradise said...

Judas was a traitor wasnt he the one that sold jesus out for gold coins?

Anonymous said...

I believe it was Silver coins, wasn't it?

The practice has become a Jewish tradition.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with a good knowledge of the bible will understand that Jesus was killed as a part of his own deliberate plan and his own reaction to those who killed him was "Father forgive them, they know not what they do".

Attempts like this to "place the blame" are from those who fail to comprehend the core truths.

Anonymous said...

@8:17- Actually, it was a Spaniard in what would one day be South Carolina.

@Bird-2:33 is correct. And it was 30 pieces of silver.

@2:33-change "Jewish" to "human" and you'll be much more accurate.

@3:01- while I personally don't do organized religion, I have read the club handbook. Nice to see you have too. Watching Bird display his ignorance was getting discouraging.

Anonymous said...

Of course, if Jesus wasn't executed (whoever authorized it)then he couldn't be resurrected, which is the apparent point of Jesus' whole purpose on Earth to be a "sacrifice for all mankind" plus apparently making it "proof" of Jesus' divinity and the whole basis of Christian belief/theology.
So Christians shouldn't blame the Jews or the Romans, as they were apparently the unthinking instruments of the Christian "God", and indeed Christians should therefore be "eternally!!" grateful to at least the jews of the past!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:42,
Gas chambers have nothing to do with "Religious Ideals". Your "book" is attempting to damn religion by pointing at harm that has been done in the name of religion even. .When the religion advocates the opposite. These genocides are the result of political manipulation using religion as a justification for their actions or to divide people. Great crimes have been committed in the name of Christianity for personal gain when Jesus plainly teaches to love others as yourself. This religious "Ideal" can never hurt anyone if it is actually followed, because you are puting others first.

Anonymous said...

So some dummy puts up a poll somewhere that someone thinks is offensive...???
Slow news day that this would attract such attention.

Anonymous said...

Jesus willingly gave up His own life upon the cross, in the single greatest act of love the world has ever known!

First, Jesus, HAD to die. If not we would not have the salvation and forgiveness he offered. But when we ask, Who killed Jesus?, there is a deeper question that we do not like to face.

Throughout history people have tried to shift the blame. They wanted to make all Jewish people guilty in a way that would absolve them. This is called anti-Semitism and, as Pope John Paul II pointed out; it is one of the gravest sins of the last two thousand years. We cannot shift the blame to the Jews or single out any group. The Church has always taught that Jesus died “for us men and for our salvation.”

Jesus had to die for our sins to be forgiven. If we were not sinners there would be no need, but we were and are, so in a way we are all responsible for his death.

So, to answer the question, Who Killed Jesus?, “I did” and “you did.”

I will leave you with some of my favorite quotes…

God doesn't defend himself, but He is suffering quietly on the cross - for you, His accuser, who deserved the punishment.

As God made flesh was nailed to the cross, his arms were stretched as far as they could go, what he was saying is “I love you all, this much.”

Anonymous said...

Who are you quoting that puts words into Jesus' mouth as he dies on the cross?
The sacrifice was just a version of the jewish concept of making blood sacrifices to purify (sins).
The jewish god Yahweh often demanded blood sacrifices, but it is very anthropomorphic to think that an actual creator of the Universe would demand such a blood sacrifice of his own incarnated spirit to absolve his/its past, present and future creations of their inborn sinful proclivities by such a sado-masochistic bloody demonstration as a roman crucifiction.