Thursday, April 26, 2012

Air Force Bows to Atheist Complaints: Will Remove Bible from on-Base Lodging

We read:
"Military atheists are increasingly making their voices heard. The Blaze has previously reported about
the Rock Beyond Belief concert at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.  Now, there is a situation developing in which non-believers in the military (and their supporters) are attacking a policy that has led to Bibles being placed in on-base lodging facilities.

According to WRWR, Air Force officials have agreed — at least in principle — to remove Bibles from rooms after being pressured by the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (MAAF), an atheist group that is led by Jason Torpy. The MAAF’s self-described goal is to combat “…insensitive practices that illegally promote religion over non-religion within the military or unethically discriminate against minority religions or differing beliefs.”

The group apparently maintained that the presence of Bibles, which are placed in the rooms by Gideons, is “a special privilege for Christianity.”

While the Air Force has not demanded that the holy books be removed from inns, a revised checklist will take effect on October 1 (at the start of the 2013 fiscal year). The books, of course, will be removed from the required items.


What harm does it do to have a Bible in the room?  Many in the U.S. armed forces are Christians and reading the Gospels could be of some help to them.  But if you don't want to read it don't.


Anonymous said...

The goal of liberals is to completely PC, sissify the military to make it such a joke that even republicans won't object to defunding it, and use that money on handouts for democrats to buy votes with.

Bird of Paradise said...

The ACLU was founded by a communists its goal to to totaly remove all signs of chritianity from america and using the phonie separation of church & state

A. Levy said...

Bird, actually, their goal is to make America a God'less society, devoid of any religion, which is of course, in line with their communist heritage.

Perhaps the American people are just starting to see what happens when the "insidious and corrosive" virus known as political correctness infects our military just as it has infected our society.

BTW Jon, just how many members does this MAFF group actually have?

Anonymous said...

Free thinkers that cannot have another thought present? Interesting definition of free-thinking! Why do they feel that non-religion is superior to religion, if the non-religion doctrine needs to be implemented every where.

Anonymous said...

Now is a good time to start contributing to the various ministries and missions that provide Bibles to combat soldiers.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:38, ha! You just got caught in the "Liberal Speak" trap whereby you believed that what a Liberal says is actually what a Liberal means. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

"Why do they feel that non-religion is superior to religion"

For the same reason that cyanide cures cancer vs. nothing at all, relatively speaking.

Anonymous said...

These atheists must be afraid that they will burst into flames at the very sight of a Bible.

Anonymous said...

If the presence of a Bible "promotes" religion, doesn't the absence of the Bible "promote" atheism. It sounds as though they are merely promoting their own religion.

Anonymous said...

I thought that there were no aetheists in foxholes.

Anonymous said...

"I thought that there were no aetheists in foxholes."

Like the rest of you conservatard tools, you thought wrong.

Anonymous said...

The difference between conservative and liberals could not be plainer.

If a conservative doesn’t like something he doesn’t read it, turns the channel, walks away. If a liberal doesn’t like something, he wants it banned!

Liberal motto: “If I don’t like it, you should not have access to it!”

Go Away Bird said...

What if chritians demanded to removal of all pagan idols in america?

Anonymous said...

"If a conservative doesn’t like something"

they try to make a law to ban it (abortion, contraceptives, etc)

Kee Bird said...

Annon 7:57 you got your singals screwed up Its LIBERALS who want certian things banned(guns,fast food,god in public)conservatives just want to save lives